Jersey LDO Integrated Legislation Drafting Environment
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This mockup demonstrates some of the features that a real-world ILDE could have.

The focus is on features that could aid drafters' comprehension without affecting the text itself.

This mockup was developed as part of the Computer-Readable Legislation Project (CRLP) at the Jersey Legislative Drafting Office.

The demo's features are described below.

1. Highlighting provisions

The buttons on the toolbar toggle various types of highlighting:

  • Defined terms: including those defined in this document and those defined in other instruments
  • Must/may provisions: implying the creation of a duty or a power
  • IFTTT structures: logical 'if this, then that' structures
  • Offences: including the actus reus, the terms that create the offence, and the associated penalty
  • Issues: these are problems with the draft text that have been detected by the ILDE

Some of these could be detected automatically. For example, terms defined in Article 1 could be automatically highlighted later in the document. Other elements could be manually specified by the drafter (e.g. associating a penalty with an offence, where the penalty is contained in a different provision).

2. Autocomplete

As the drafter writes text, an ILDE could detect the use of pre-defined terms and structures, and offer to insert template references or provisions (including from Common Legislative Solutions).

To demonstrate, Articles 2(3) and 3(3) in the mockup can be edited. Typing a few characters of one of the terms defined in Article 1 will show a list of suggested terms and their definitions, which can then be inserted.

This approach is similar to the 'Intellisense' feature often found in modern software IDEs.

3. 'Code lens'

Above each provision is a panel showing the various elements that have been detected in that provision. This can alert the drafter to aspects of the provision that might need attention.

This approach is akin to the 'code lens' feature often found in modern software IDEs.

Sale of Alcohol (Jersey) Regulations 202– Draft

THE STATES make these Regulations under Article [42]missing reference of the Tourism (Jersey) Law 1948

Found: 1 issue • 4 definitions • 1 external term • 1 internal reference

  • 1     Interpretation
    • (1) In these Regulations —
      • “alcohol” means liquor as defined in the Customs and Excise (Jersey) Law 1999;
      • “commercial operator” means a body corporate that engages in business for profit but is not a public house or hotel;
      • “enforcement officer” means person appointed under Regulation 19missing reference;
      • “fraud” includes providing (whether intentionally or not) misleading information in relation to an application for a license under an enactment.

Found: 5 internal terms • 5 external terms • 1 must • 1 IFTTT • 1 offence • 1 internal reference

  • 2     Sale of alcohol
    • (1) A person must not sell alcoholmust, if
      • (a) the person is a commercial operatornecessary condition 1; and
      • (b) the person hasnecessary condition 2
        • (i) an unspent conviction for fraudalternative condition 1, or
        • (ii) an alcohol banning orderalternative condition 2.
    • (2) A person who contravenes paragraph (1)offence definition commits an offenceoffence creation and is liable to imprisonment for a term of 1 year and to a finepenalty.
    • (3) [Edit me!]

Found: 5 internal terms • 3 external terms • 2 mays • 2 IFTTT

  • 3     Misleading price lists
    • (1) An enforcement officer may issue a warningmay to the proprietor of premises if
      • (a) a price list for alcohol is displayed on the premisesnecessary condition 1;
      • (b) the premises are registered as a hotelnecessary condition 2; and
      • (c) the enforcement officer believes that the price list is misleading to customersnecessary condition.
    • (2) The enforcement officer may cancel the registration of the hotelmay if the proprietor fails to correct the price list to the satisfaction of the enforcement officernecessary condition 1 within 5 days after the warning was issuednecessary condition 2.
    • (3) [Edit me!]

  • 4     ...

NB this is an imaginary draft and does not represent any actual policy