Our work

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Our work is split into 3 main streams and one catch-all (click a title for more information) -

1. Artificial Intelligence and legislation

Using AI (LLMs & machine learning) to help drafters identify logical structures & key elements within legislation.

2. Non-technical guidance & training for drafters

Helping to improve the logical rigour of drafting by taking insights from modern logic and computing, but without using any tech.

3. Parsing exercises

Producing imaginary & real examples of provisions formalised with different forms of mark-up, as well as in Mermaid, QnA & Excel, and possibly in DataLex, L4 and Blawx.

4. Other - “Common Legislative Solutions”, an IDE-like drafting tool, Interpretation Law modernisation

  • Common Legislative Solutions - parsing & digitising model provisions in a Jersey-adapted version of CLS.
  • IDE-like drafting tool - a basic specification, with illustrative mock-ups, of a potential tool for legislative drafters, adapting the “Integratred Development Environments” that help programmers to code.
  • Interpretation Law for the digital age - seeing if there is scope for updating the Interpretation Law (and Interpretation Acts in other countries) to work better for humans and computers.

Animation showing basic highlighting of a provision Animation showing basic highlighting of an offence provision