We gave a review of our workstreams at the Commonwealth Association of Legislative Counsel 2024 conference in Jamaica - see our CRLP slides (on our OSF site). We will soon post a link here to our forthcoming presentation to the CALC-PCC 2025 regional conference in Perth (Western Australia).
Our work is split into 4 main streams and one catch-all (click a title for more information) -
1. Artificial Intelligence and legislation
Using AI (LLMs & machine learning) to help drafters identify logical structures & key elements within legislation.
2. Non-technical guidance & training for drafters
Helping to improve the logical rigour of drafting by taking insights from modern logic and computing, but without using any tech.
3. Parsing exercises & logic
Producing imaginary & real examples of provisions whose logical structures we formalise with different forms of mark-up, as well as in Mermaid, QnA & Excel, and possibly in DataLex, L4 and Blawx.
4. Mock-up of a drafting tool
Producing illustrative mock-ups, with a basic specification, for a potential tool to help legislative drafters create, check and mark up their logical structures, adapting the “Integratred Development Environments” that help programmers to code.
5. Other - “Common Legislative Solutions”, Interpretation Law modernisation
- Common Legislative Solutions - parsing & digitising model provisions in a Jersey-adapted version of CLS.
- Interpretation Law for the digital age - seeing if there is scope for updating the Interpretation Law (and Interpretation Acts in other countries) to work better for humans and computers.
Animation showing basic highlighting of an offence provision
These pages are updated when we have news - you can find a full archive on OSF: https://osf.io/yzf6x/.